100% tested way try this step by step
STEP 1. Read The Flash File From the Phone (Just 1 Click)

STEP 2. Here you can see the Flash Files are saved within 5 Minutes.

STEP 3. Now we have MCU, PPM and CNT which we read form the Phone!

STEP 4. Here we Flash Back the Files to the phone for testing purposes.

So Thats It! Reading Flash Files are very Simple! Just 1 cilck, then you are ready to go.
BTW, Here is our test phone:
STEP 2. Here you can see the Flash Files are saved within 5 Minutes.
STEP 3. Now we have MCU, PPM and CNT which we read form the Phone!
STEP 4. Here we Flash Back the Files to the phone for testing purposes.
So Thats It! Reading Flash Files are very Simple! Just 1 cilck, then you are ready to go.
BTW, Here is our test phone:
Download link..........
100% tested way try this step by step